Supporting STEM Education


Helping your students get a head start in science, technology, engineering and math (stem)

Arete STEM has a proven record for educational and research payload development and deployment to space. Arete STEM has been supporting students, schools, researchers, and universities since 2013 and has flown 14 successful suborbital payloads. These payloads ranging from those created by 2nd graders to sophisticated experiments by college researches. Arete STEM believes students should be the designers, developers, and builders of their experimental payload. Further, Arete can offer a variety of STEM/STEAM lesson plans (curriculum) and offer the best availability for suborbital flights at the best pricing for students through our partnership with Blue Origin.

Finally, Arete STEM programs focus on developing the skills that all students will need to compete in the 21st century workforce, whether or not they intend to be our future scientists, technologists, engineers, and mathematicians.

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